You can start a visit in 5 different ways.
1- From the Dashboard screen;
Click the
button at the lower right of the dashboard screen.
Click the New Visit button.
You can start an unplanned visit by selecting a client you want to perform the visit.
2- From the Clients screen;
Click the Clients button from the upper left menu.
You can start an unplanned visit by clicking START VISIT button.
3- From the Visits screen;
Click the Visits button from the upper left menu.
Click the
button at the bottom right.
You can start an unplanned visit by selecting a client you want to perform the visit.
4- From the Plans screen;
Click the Plans button from the upper left menu.
You can access the visit assigned by your site manager from the Plans screen.
You can start an unplanned visit by clicking START VISIT button.
5- To start your visit which has an opportunity: From the Opportunities screen;
Click the Opportunities button from the upper left menu.
In that page, you can access your clients who have opportunities.
You can start an unplanned visit by clicking START VISIT button.